The failures: a unique event for any pyrotechnics fan

The Fallas de Valencia is a great event to enjoy pyrotechnics. These parties, declared of International Tourist Interest, are also of interest to any pyrofiestero who boasts.

From March 15 to 19, this holiday is just a few hours drive from Malaga, so you have no excuse to miss one of the biggest parties with pyrotechnics in the world.


Although there are doubts about it, everything indicates that the Fallas come from the celebrations of the day of San José, patron of the city and whose date coincides with the beginning of spring.

During medieval times, carpenters and cabinetmakers in the area, with a long tradition in the industry, burned the waste from their work. Shavings, useless boards and sawdust were burned next to the so-called parots, tools used to hold lamps.

With the passage of time, this custom became a tradition and the parots became humanoid figures that the old falleros burned in representation of witches.

Today this festival of fire, burning dolls or ninots and winter farewell continues.

What will I find in the Fallas of Valencia

In Las Fallas, one of the most surprising things is that the whole city turns to its party. You will always see children with bombers, falleros preparing freckles, etc. so that this year’s party is also up to par.

One of the most special moments is the mascletá, a thunderous spectacle that takes place from March 1 to 19 at 2:00 p.m. At that moment, Valencian freckles begin to explode for about five minutes, generating a roar worth enjoying.

On the other hand, we can also enjoy the exhibition of ninots and cremà. These two events are very close to each other. Ninots are representations, satirical or fantasy, prepared for months by the Fallero teachers.

Despite all the art and hours of work that hide, only the best of them can be saved from the cremà. This is nothing more than the moment in which the ninots that have not been chosen by the jury are on fire. It is a unique moment that combines the penalty for losing such a work and the memory that everything in this life is perishable.

The spectacular fireworks castles of Valencia

During the holidays, from March 15 to 19, a spectacular fireworks castle is held every night around midnight.

The most important of them, considered as one of the best pyrotechnic shows in the world, is the Nit del Foc, or Night of Fire, held the night from 18 to 19. Although it seems a pretentious name, it fulfills what it promises.

During the Nit del Foc a fireworks castle of about 20 minutes is produced, in which more than 2 tons of pyrotechnic material are used. More than 2,000 kilos of fireworks!

Do you feel like failures? Do you want to be prepared with the best pyrotechnic material? In Pyroparty we can help you. We will advise you on what you need to get firecrackers, Valencian beams, flares … it has never been so easy to buy pyrotechnics in Malaga.